Sunday, March 27, 2011

Bye Bye Break


Okay, so this Spring break I didn't do anything productive academically apart from my 2nd concentration piece of March. I think I might be able to go to SFAI! They might just have given me enough money to pull it off! I'm really excited but am still considering CCA, MICA, Alfred, and Cal Arts. Oh, and I was in Portland yesterday and decided to go to a lot of the local galleries. There was a lot of bad work in my opinion (no offence Portland), a bit disappointing, but I did find a great artist. Her name is Alexandra Becker-Black. She does great graphite drawings of nude people, especially women (way to be predictable Ashley...). I recognized her work and have seen it around, but seeing it in real life and putting a name to the work was great. Here is one of her pieces, and here are the two I did this month so far, (they're not done).

Sunday, March 13, 2011


Hey everyone! I feel like not much is really going on with me and art compared to usual, but I've made 4 facetted bowls and a coil vase this week and am going to start making 6 mugs. Yeah, I'm trying to do not nude women for once and try out some everyday stuff. And I'm pretty sure I am going to do one charcoal drawing and one prisma color pencil drawing for my concentration pieces this month. One of my friend hiding her chest, and the other of my belly dancing instructor (if she'll let me). I'm sure she will. She's so confident with her body and has inspired me so much! She was the first and only person to ever ask to buy one of my pieces. She has just been a great inspiration and belly dancing has been good therapy for, keeping me in touch with my body and always making me leave feeling beautiful. I thought I might mention a few of my favorite artist as well since I have been asked a few times recently. Right now I'd say some are: Jenny Saville, Egon Schiele, Lucian Freud, Ana Theresa Fernandez, David Park, and Marina Abramovic. Great work. A lot of this is pretty realistic work, but I also love abstract. I'm just waiting for the right time to start expressing my self with simply color and texture. Here is some of their work:

Ana Theresa Fernandez                                  Marina Abramovic
Egon Schiele                                                      Jenny Saville

Lucian Freud                                           David Park

Monday, March 7, 2011

Like Continued...

Well, everything has been really exciting recently in my art world. I had a great time at the OCAC showing and it was really great being acknowledged and appreciated by all of the really nice people at OCAC. Thank you for all of your congratulations. It made me feel really happy! I blushed so much this week! Haha, well anyway...College! I've been accepted into 16 schools so far. Way to freaking many! And right now I think it's between CCA, SFAI, MICA, and Alfred. Though I really don't know. It all depends on money. Alfred was really awesome and gave me to portfolio scholarships. Really exciting! But it all depends on money for me right now, because even with that, I may need to figure things out. Who doesn't? I mean...besides rich people. Well thank you all for your support so far. I really appreciate it. Oh, and my concentration, I think I might do a piece on belly dancing, yes! WITH CLOTHES!! (some what) I'm probably going to use color pencil. (Though I really want to try out encaustic!) I need to officially learn how! Well, thanks for reading and I'll keep you posted (literally).